
Showing posts from May, 2017

Planning For a Tropical Vacation

Everyone needs a vacation once in a while. We may face the burden of meeting tight deadlines, making crucial decisions, or managing the complexities of household demands. Our stress may also include the stress of being under- or unemployed. All adults have lives that are filled with some form of stress, even if we don't truly acknowledge this fact. Chronic stress takes its toll in part on our body's ability to resist infection, maintain vital functions, and even ability to avoid injury. Do your online research and make sure you know what's available in your vacation destination. It's frustrating to find out too late that if you had just done a bit of googling you'd have found the ideal beach, mountain, museum, park, etc. etc. Planning ahead will also minimize family stress while on that vacation especially if you've pre-agreed on an itinerary. This will also make it possible for you to determine ahead of time whether some or all of you want to go bungee jumpin...